Avian Loop

Avian Loop Issue 6 Cover. Design by Daniel Shaskey.
"Use your words."
Avian Loop is produced by the monthly Writing Together group first established by The Physics Room in 2018. It was initially led by Gwynneth Porter and has since taken on a collective writing, editing, and publishing model. The group now meets for monthly writing workshops led by Chloe Lane.
The group takes prompts from everyday life, art, and its members' wide reading appetites to write into a shared space. Periodically, they assemble these texts, and spend time discussing and editing them in a collective manner to produce the loosely authored serial, Avian Loop, designed by group member Daniel Shaskey and printed in Ōtautahi.
Physically distributed in a free, limited run by group members into local pamphlet stands and onto break-room coffee tables, we are making a digital archive of the publication available below as a resource for writers further afield.
If you would like to learn more about the Writing Together group, including how to join in, you can contact physicsroom@physicsroom.org.nz.
Avian Loop 1 (PDF) Avian Loop 1 (EPUB) Avian Loop 2 (PDF) Avian Loop 2 (EPUB) Avian Loop 3 (PDF) Avian Loop 3 (EPUB) Avian Loop 4 (PDF) Avian Loop 4 (EPUB) Avian Loop 5 (PDF) Avian Loop 5 (EPUB) Avian Loop 6 (PDF) Avian Loop 6 (EPUB)