Veevee Palumbo
Fact or Fiction: Meditations on Mary Finger
07 Apr — 20 Apr 2000
The Physics Room is pleased to present to Christchurch audiences this `live art lecture' from award winning Wellington writer and actor Vivienne Plumb. This work treads the line between performance and lecture, in a satire featuring the unknown New Zealand artist, Mary Finger (now deceased), whom the art historian Palumbo befriended during the last days of her short, tragic life. In this multi-media presentation Palumbo blows the lid on the world of art, the sticky relationship between art and money, and the sometimes tenuous relationship between the artist and critic.
This performance piece has already premiered at Bats Theatre in the Fringe Festival 2000, and has been invited to the 5th Women Playwrights Conference in Athens, Greece, later on this year.