Past event

26 September 2015

Our Future Network

Alex Martinis Roe, A story from Circolo della rosa, HD video still, including material courtesy of the Milan Women’s Bookstore Collective Archive 2014.

Alex Martinis Roe, A story from Circolo della rosa, HD video still, including material courtesy of the Milan Women’s Bookstore Collective Archive 2014.

26 September 2015. Free entry.

Call out for expressions of interest

Our Future Network
Workshop on trans-generational collective politics

As part of Embodying the archive and Alex Martinis Roe’s installation It was an unusual way of doing politics: there were friendships, loves, gossip, tears, flowers... this afternoon workshop will be a chance to experiment practically with a number of historic feminist collective practices as a way to begin (or also continue) inventing and imagining new ones.

Participants will undertake a series of exercises based on a number of collective political practices developed by the Milan Women’s Bookstore Collective and the French current Psychanalyse et Politique in the 1970s and 80s. Within these exercises, there will be space to experiment with them using adaptations, extensions and departures in response to the needs and desires of those who participate. Thinking through these alterations will also be a way to explore some contemporary philosophical ideas, which developed in part out of the theory-practice of Psychanalyse et Politique. These ideas are currently inspiring more and more thinkers, but they are yet to be in a widespread, direct dialogue with other forms of political practice. This workshop will challenge those who participate to contribute to this burgeoning trans-generational project – the continuation of the women’s movement within, between and beyond the existing structures of our societies and our selves.

This workshop would suit those who have an interest in collective political practices and/or feminism, and even more so for those who are interested in learning more about specific feminist political practices and have an interest in developing their own. No previous knowledge of feminist history or theory is necessary to participate, but a willingness to engage in a short selection of preparatory reading is important.

If you would like to participate, please send a brief description of your motivations to