Past event

12 May 2019
12:00 - 1:30pm

Panel discussion: Auditing Masculinity

Installation view, Tanu Gago, APPARATUS, 2019, digital video, 19.21 min.

Installation view, Tanu Gago, APPARATUS, 2019, digital video, 19.21 min.

12 May 2019. Free entry.

In response to Tanu Gago’s current exhibition, SAVAGE IN THE GARDEN, The Physics Room will host a free panel discussion exploring contemporary notions of masculinity.

The discussion will cover some difficult territory as there are hard conversations to be had. However, out of these discussions we hope to highlight and celebrate examples of healthy masculinities. Some of the talking points will be:

How do we address, and seek alternatives to, toxic masculinity? What methods are available to help dismantle colonial codes of masculinity? Are the consequences changing for those who actively practice and celebrate non-traditional modes of being a man?

Chaired by Jamie Hanton, the panel will include:
Joshua Dickson - Organisational Development Specialist at Canterbury DHB and performer.
Benjamin Atkinson - former director of Fill Their Lunchbox and Project 71
Rāwā Karetai - board member of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association