Past event

25 September to 11 October 2013

Brent Harris Posteering


25 September to 11 October 2013. Free entry.

In contrasting Christchurch locales, the performance project Posteering will explore questions of participation, attending to structures of passing, attending, turning and tethering. Posteering will occur in two Bundles of passages.

Bundle 1 includes:

Readying: Underway (neither starting nor finishing) at 6pm, Thursday 26 September, central Christchurch

Printings: Finishing at 11.24am, Monday 30 September, an inner suburb

Orbits: 10am to around 5.30pm, Wednesday 2 October, in the neighbourhood of The Physics Room, central Christchurch

Combing: Starting at 10.30am, Saturday 5 October, New Brighton

Members of the public are warmly invited to attend passages.

To book for Readying, Printings or Combing, please email

Places are limited. You will receive a reply to inform you of the outcome of your booking request. If booked, you will receive one further email the day before, informing you of the exact location to meet the passage.

To attend Orbits, please ask for directions at The Physics Room front desk between 10am and 5pm on the day.

Bundle R 

Posteering continues 9 & 10 October with Bundle R.

Bundle R includes

Waxes: Wednesday 9 October starting at 6pm
Approaches: Thursday 10 October finishing at 6.20pm

To book for Waxes and Approaches please email

You will receive a reply to inform you of the outcome of your booking request and will receive one further email the day before the performance, informing you of the exact location to meet.

Brent Harris is an artist working between spatial arts and dance. Recent projects include Wednesday, Auckland (2013), Oct Dec Serieswith ST PAUL Street Gallery (2011), Better Door Than A Window at The Film Archive Auckland (2011), and Project Saturday, Berlin (2011). Harris grew up in Christchurch and is currently based in Auckland. He recently completed a PhD in performance practice at The School of Art & Design, Auckland University of Technology.

Free Downloads:
A response to the event by Zoe Crook (pdf)