The Physics Room Gallery for the past few years.
German Videoart 2000 to 2002:
The Marl Video Art Award in 21 Short Films on Video
3rd November 2004 |
Ahoy! Public Art project
13th September - 18th October 2004. |
John White / Francesca Mountfort
Double Album release party
September 28, 2004 |
Trambience 2
5th September, 2004 |
Philip Dadson
10th August, 2004 |
Avatar Body Collision
2 August, 2004 |
MuVi - Music Video Clips from Germany
4 June, 2004
A series of international performances for one-night only at the Physics Room, featuring Joel Stern, Bruce Russell, Anthony Guerra, Rosy Parlane, Mattin & Daniel Beban.
26 February, 2004 |
Concert Performance
by Thomas Lehn and David Watson
20 January, 2004 |
3 November - 20 November 2004
National Drawing Award
Exhibiting surnames M - Z
In association with Artspace, Auckland
26 November -18 December 2004
National Drawing Award
Exhibiting surnames A - L
In association with Artspace, Auckland
6 - 30 October 2004 Interior World
Seraphine Pick & Oliver Perkins
Curated by Kirsten Rennie Weston
Sampler: Alex Monteith
Invisible Cities
1 - 25 September 2004
Natalie Robertson
In association with SCAPE 04, Art & Industry Biennial
Sampler: Scott Flanagan
Dr Don: or how I learned to stop worrying and love Helen
7 - 27 August 2004
rear window
Emily Harris; Gala Kirke; Richard Lewer
8 - 31 July, 2004
Lee Campbell, Alexander Costello, Sonia Bruce
Curated by: Lee Campbell
8 June - 3 July, 2004
Humiliation IQ
Michael Morley
Sampler: Iain Cheesman
6 - 29 May, 2004
Tomorrow Never Knows
Stella Brennan
Sampler: Joanna Langford
6 April - 1 May, 2004
Dear Victoria
Victoria Bell & Victoria Edwards
Sampler : Karin van Roosmalen
2 - 27 March, 2004
Australian video art
Curated by Brendan Lee
Sampler: Robin Neate
27 January - 21 February, 2004 Falling Free
curated by Jae Hoon Lee
2 December 2003 - 17
January 2004
Fiona Amundsen
Through Tokyo
Sarah Peebles & Christie Pearson