Jodi Rose
In event of earthquake the phone will ring
The COMGAS TM Tele-Seismic Emergency
Phone is the latest in technological innovation. Wired directly into
the faultline, the COMGAS TM Tele-Seismic
Emergency Phone will ring when the electric charge preceding an earthquake
triggers its sensitive seismonic equipment.
COMGAS TM Tele-Seismic Emergency Phone
connects to silence listening for the gaps in the faultline, the pause
before the earth shudders, the tremor of divine voices speaking through
the earth's crust. The solution to the nth impulse is found where
the instrument is sensitive to the desired signal, while simultaneously
rejecting false signals.
Infinite possibilities and vibrations of chance and chaos echo along
the channels of communications vectors to YOU, the receiver. Using
a sound that cannot be heard to find moments of slippage in the creation
of cultural and personal mythology and allowing you to slide though
them into the faultline.
COMGAS TM is the Cult of the Mad Genius
Artstar, an ongoing conceptual work exploring the gaps and spaces
in the fabric of cultural production.
For more information email: S
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