Ava Seymour - Broken Apple
15 June - 5 July 2001
digital flier
"Dating back to the time of Adam and Eve, the apple
has been a symbol of temptation and sin. The original
sin was in fact the consumption of the apple from the
tree ov knowledge. The consequence was the expulsion
from the garden ov Eden, Adam and Eve were banished
in guilt and shame, left to realize their own mortality.
The virtuous non-colour white we associate with purity,
peace and spiritual enlightenment, REd signifies BLood,
fury, lust.
Incorporating these 3 elements I have produced my
"broken apple", Drawing reference from the beginning
ov time I have produced a contemporary art wk so incongruous
that it contradicts all logic.
Perhaps its about an act ov betrayal, decaying health
,a broken heart, The themes are universal, I wish "
we"... of all race, sex, colour, religion can relate
some carnal experience to this image. *This broken apple
suffers no pain.
- Ava Seymour
