Robert Hood
28 September - 22 October 2001
Christchurch based artist Robert Hood presents an icon
for the 21st century with his work for the Kiosk, where
a tiny silver horse's head revolves on top of a log
of wood, again and again and again. Witty, dry, and
sometimes disturbingly obtuse, Hood's work often takes
small, rather insignificant details from popular culture
and reworks them into whimsically crafted ornaments
or objects. Hood's untitled work for the kiosk brings
together both Hood's previous work interrogating the
mysterious world of horse racing, and his current interests
in iconography and mysticism, presenting evidence of
psychic conspiracy with the meticulous attention to
detail of a detective, the hype of a sales pitch, and
the fervor of a prophet.
Robert Hood's exhibition in Kiosk is part of The Physics
Room curated series.
