David Hatcher - The Jitters
Acrylic on MDF, 61 x 30 x 24 cm
31 march - 26 April 2001
"Der Zustand der Paranoia wird erreicht, wenn plötzlich
alles, was man wahrnimmt, zueinander passt."
Where the romantics sought inspiration and transcendence,
David Hatcher sees the spooky might of the transnational
powers that be. Continuing a series of objects, drawings
and videos mooting a nervous aesthetics of economic
space, Hatcher's latest metaphysical intervention warps
the Southern Alps into an index of the recent performance
of New Zealand's blue chip corporations. Part supernatural
gesture, part sublime folly, the conflation of mountain
ranges with markets blurs eons and split seconds to
posit an erratic image of time. Smurf-toned and drastically
miniaturised, the work references comic book displays
of power and transformation.
David Hatcher lives and works in Berlin, where he recently
completed a DAAD post-graduate scholarship with Prof.
Katharina Sieverding at the Hochschule der Künste.
