Kiosk is a permanent public art site for temporary
exhibitions of new work by audio, screen and installation
artists. Situated on the busy pedestrian thoroughfare
and junction of High and Manchester Streets, Christchurch,
Kiosk is providing a venue for contemporary art twenty
four hours a day, seven days a week. Designed to bring
out the voyeur in the passing traffic, the Kiosk programme
includes local and international artists' responses
to the site and current issues in contemporary cultures.
The Kiosk programme has been curated by Oblique and
the Physics Room. Kiosk is an Oblique Trust project,
presented by Waho, and supported by Creative Communities
Christchurch, and The Physics Room Trust.
The Oblique Trust is a charitable trust established
to initiate and co-ordinate site specific and public
art projects in New Zealand, and beyond. Trust members
include Julaine Stephenson, Jonathan Nicol, Zita Joyce,
Warren Olds, Adam Willetts, and Dan Arps.
Designer and Project Coordinator: Julaine Stephenson
The Handover: The Kiosk has been thrown from
the Oblique nest and into adolescence under the auspices
of the Physics Room Trust. In keeping with our original
intention to set the Kiosk free, or at least into the
control of new blood, the pimply faced space fresh,
full of hope and cynicism re-launches in May 2003 after
a brief stint at the plastic surgeons. The Kiosk will
continue to bare it's all to the public of Christchurch,
only you'll have to ask new parents for permission to
take it around the back of the bike sheds.
The Oblique Trust would like to thank all who have
supported and participated in the Kiosk to date. In
particular the uber-custodian, Paul Johns, Waho, Creative
Communities, Warren Pringle, and how can we forget our
fab web-boy, Jonathan Nicol.
This website will remain as an archive for Kiosk and
continue to promote art projects on the go.
As we like to say in the Antipodes, "It's been choice
and excellent!"
- Julaine Stephenson
Physics Room contemporary art project space announces
the return of the Kiosk - the best little public art
space in town!
Toshi Endo - 'Kiosk' May 9 - 26
Victoria Bell - 'Cat' from May 27
The city's littlest art space has made its triumphant
return! The Kiosk is a permanent public art site for
temporary exhibitions which was established in the year
2000 as the brainchild of the Oblique Trust.
Unfortunately in its last incarnation the Kiosk was
the target of vandalism but after a small holiday of
rest and recuperation it is back in place complete with
a spanking new paint job and some nice new owners! The
Physics Room - A Contemporary Art Project Space (located
a block away at 209 Tuam Street) has taken possession
of the Kiosk from the Oblique Trust. Resembling a grey
tardis with observation windows, the Kiosk will be home
to a loose series of exhibitions by some dynamic local
artists, which will run the gamut of new-media technology,
experimental sound installation and good old-fashioned
To kick-off the Kiosk's homecoming is a looped video
made by Toshi Endo and Julaine Eton. The hand-held video
footage leads the viewer on a short, walked journey
to The Physics Room, linking the Kiosk by electronic
leash to its new owners.
Next up will be Victoria Bell who plans to brighten
up the space with a stuffed floral replica of her pet
cat. Created from recovered fabrics, the cat becomes
a rather wonky reinterpretation of a domestic god.
Oblique would like to thank Waho for providing major
sponsorship for the construction of Kiosk. The Kiosk
programme has been kindly supported by Creative Communities,
Christchurch City. We would also like to thank Christchurch
City Council, Northwest Engineering and The
Physics Room Trust for their ongoing support. On