No direct line from my brain to my heart
Put out more flags
A. Cuckoo presents Richard Maloy
For Cuckoo’s container in the container village, the marvelous Richard Maloy built a nest out of all sorts of things. This was another in his series of welcoming, crafted occupations (tree-hut, kissing booth etc.).
B. Silver Clouds
Cuckoo and the Melbourne artist-run project CLUBSproject came together to present "Silver Clouds". Or more correctly, CLUBS hosted Cuckoo, the good ole brood parasite...
Two things happened:
The Cuckoo Silver Clouds team was Dan Arps, Nick Austin, Fiona Connor, Janet Lilo, Kate Newby, Seung Yul Oh, Sriwhana Spong and Ben Tankard.
Visit the CLUBS website at: http://www.clubsproject.org.au
Visit the ORDER + PROGRESS website at: http://www.orderandprogress.com.au
Visit the NEXTWAVE website at: http://2006festival.nextwave.org.au